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Mobile phone policy Update

New Mobile Phone Policy, beginning Monday 10 June 2024

Our new mobile phone policy at Cranbury College will come into effect as of Monday 10 June. We have seen an increase in inappropriate phone use of a safeguarding nature, including filming of staff and other students, inappropriate conversations between students and negative interactions with other young people who do not attend the site, and as such, we have decided to ban mobile phones at the college, across all sites, in all pathways.

We are sure you will agree that this is an appropriate response to these concerns, having tried various ways to reduce and limit phone use on school sites, we have come to the decision to remove phones entirely, in the best interest of all.

To be clear on the expectations, all students have received a briefing in lessons last week, which will include the rules surrounding this implementation, which are:

  • Students are to hand their phone in on the gate upon arrival, during usual entry procedure.
  • Any student not following the rules will then progress to the college behaviour policy (Annex 2 - Behaviour and Exclusions Policy)
  • Phones will then be placed in a clear wallet, noting any damage for clear records, and stored inside a locked cupboard in a staff office.
  • Students will only have their phone returned at the end of the school day – students will not have access to their phone at break time.

We do hope you support us in reiterating this message at home, and hope that in doing so will encourage a more positive learning environment and social interactions with peers.

If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact their tutor, or the Safe Team via reception. We thank you in advance for your support in this new implementation. We believe this will be vital in ensuring safety for all.

Miss C Burns