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Cranbury College Outreach Services

Cranbury College Behaviour Support and Outreach Services operate in partnership with our various stakeholders. Through a formal commissioning process, our specialist staff work closely with schools to improve standards in behaviour and learning and provide bespoke support for young people and staff who are struggling with emotional and behavioural challenges.

These services include; Outreach Behaviour Support at KS1 and 2, Respite programmes for individuals and groups at KS3 and 4, SEND/EHCP/CSE consultations; specialist training for schools and organisations, facilitation and management of behaviour improvement interventions (PSPs, GBPs), coaching for young people and staff; reparation/mediation support and specifically tailored work around individual requirements.

We guarantee to deliver quality and value for money in terms of our commissioned packages. The offer is designed to be diverse and personalised to meet the full spectrum of specific client requirements. In this capacity, we have worked with Reading University, in local schools and academies, at national conferences, local education events and for a wide range of education providers across Reading and neighbouring Local Authorities.

Working in Partnership

PRIMARY PSP and Behaviour Support:

If your child is experiencing emotional and behavioural challenges in school that are negatively affecting their learning, the Head Teacher or SENCO may approach us for advice and support. Our team can work alongside schools to observe your child in their classroom and to give advice to staff about how they can help them to make better progress.

Our Behaviour Support Managers Chair Pastoral Support Programme meetings (PSPs). These meetings aim to get teachers, and you as a family, working together to create a plan of support and positive outcomes for all stakeholders. Regular follow up meetings with you monitor their behavioural progress over time.

Sometimes a PSP is not enough and your child or your family may need other professionals from education, health and social care to work co-operatively. Behaviour support will often be part of a multi professional Team around the Child (TAC). and attend Child in Need or Child Protection meetings.

Our team can work alongside your child in school to provide extra support to school staff when action plans from PSPs and TACs need to be put into place.

Our outreach service also provides reports for Education, Health and Care assessments.



Claire Willmott:

Deputy Headteacher

Ms C Baggley: