Our curriculum is designed to provide our young people with real, engaging, and positive experiences; supporting personal development and underpinned by an environment that is focused on community. As a specialist AP (Alternative Provision) Academy, we understand how important each individual is to their own Learning Journey and that is why we place them directly at the centre.
Key stage 3
Within KS3 we endeavour to find an appropriate pathway for each individual student. Whether this is a trial at a new mainstream school, a specialist school or a bespoke timetable at Cranbury, each student will receive individual intervention and support to enable them to thrive and succeed in an environment that suits them.
Regular reviews are completed alongside parents and other professionals, to ensure that each student is being given the tools and opportunity to reach their potential. To enable change in behaviour, and confidence in learning, the college offers a holistic child centred curriculum, based on the Core Subjects (English, Maths, Science and Personal Development) plus additional subjects such as Art, Food Technology, Sport, Our World and Team Building.
We also offer students three vocational pathways:
1. Hair and Beauty
2. Trades and Upcycling
3. Life/Learning Skills
Key stage 4
Within KS4, students will follow the Cranbury College Core Curriculum, plus personalised options that enable them to gain the qualifications, skills and experience needed to be successful in, the world of work and making a positive contribution to their families and society.
Students will study the Core Subjects (English, Maths, Science and Personal Development) plus additional subjects such as Art, Food Technology, Sport, Digital Skills, Employability and Careers and Duke of Edinburgh (for Year 10 students only).
We also offer students three vocational pathways:
1. Hair and Beauty
2. Trades and Upcycling
3. Life Skills /WEX Model
Academic, Pastoral, and Career staff, work with AP and WEX partners to help students chose an educational, trade or career pathway.
Student programmes of study are tailored to support them in preparing and making the first steps towards achieving their future goals. Students in YR 9/10, who are able and want to take that pathway, are supported to return to mainstream school.
For more information on the curriculum, please contact Claire Willmott (
For further information about what students will be studying and the options that are available to them please download our Curriculum Statement.