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Cranbury provides children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) to receive a high-quality education which champions high aspirations for their future regardless of need. Cranbury is an inclusive school which welcomes students who may need support in areas related to academic, social and emotional, behavioural and physical challenges; therefore, celebrating diverse talents and interests.


To meet the needs of each individual, Cranbury College will:

  • Be inclusive. This will be based on pupil equity; enhanced through communication between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies and-most importantly- the child.
  • Work in partnership with parents and carers.
  • Have access to a curriculum which is founded in high expectations and promotes opportunity for all (see curriculum overview here…)
  • At Cranbury College, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Therefore, all children will be supported through adaptive teaching.
  • Rigorous assessment to understand progress and identify next steps.
  • Students will have access to 1:1 or small group targeted intervention.
  • Work alongside external agencies, such as, an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist and alternative provision.
  • Provide an accessible learning environment.
  • Provide good quality and relevant training for all staff members supporting children with SEND.



Cranbury College students will feel happy, respected and valued. They will leave school successful and ready to step forward into their futures with confidence and direction.

Due to quality first teaching and high aspirations, students will make excellent progress from their starting points.  Also, students will actively engage in their education, making positive choices for themselves.

Students will leave Cranbury College knowing that their future started here.

Our SEND Policy can be found on our Key Policies page.

Useful Information

Brighter Futures for Reading Local Offer
Information, advice and services for Reading’s children and young people with special education needs and disabilities can be found here.

SEND Local Offer is here for everyone in Reading, the directory website has lots of information and services that support children, young people and their families.   Families and professionals can also contact the Family Information Service/SEND Local Offer, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm on 0118 9373777 (option 2) or email us for support information

If you seek independent advice and support as a parent navigating the SEN system, click here

Education and Health Care Plans

Further information about Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP) can be found here

EHC needs assessment timeline can be found here

SEND guide for Parents can be found here


Useful Blogs and communities
Please note that a listing on this page is intended solely for information purposes only and does not necessarily represent an endorsement of the organisation or their services. Individuals are encouraged to conduct their own checks on any organisation they connect with.

Blogs and community forums

  • Support SEND kids, click here
  • Special Needs Jungle Parent led information and research, click here
  • Parenting Special Children Reading, click here

If you require further information, please contact our SENCO: 
Lou Bedford (